It's a very difficult time for animal activists right now. As I write this
hundreds of dolphins are either being killed or awaiting imminent slaughter in the infamous Taji cove. Today tens of thousands of fish, chickens, pigs, cows and other "food" animals will be slaughtered and processed.
As difficult a time it may be for animal advocates, it's an even harder time for animals who rely on activists as their only voice.
And with absolutely amazing alternatives to animal-centric circuses--such as the brilliant
Cirque de Soleil--I fail to understand why we must still force wild animals to perform for our amusement.
I just wrote to the organizers of the Big Apple Circus and asked that they eliminate all animals from their circuses in favor of an all-human affair. As best I can tell the organization has sworn off the use of exotic animals (e.g., elephants, tigers, etc.) and for that I applaud them. However they still use horses -- animals that frighten easily and for whom the bright lights and loud noises of the circus can be terrifying. I urge you to respectfully write and ask that Big Apple eliminate all non-human performers. You can contact them by clicking
I'll end with this
amazing and heart-wrenching "story" from The Onion about Topsy the Elephant's performance in a Ringling Bros. circus. The article, of course, is a parody. But it nevertheless shines a spotlight on the terror, pain and anxiety inflicted on these helpless animals as a result of performing in circuses.
Immediately before writing this blog post I sent the below email to the Big Apple Circus via its online contact page:
I just watched the PBS trailer for an upcoming spotlight on the Big Apple Circus. I'm writing to respectfully ask that you eliminate animal performances for your circus. It's increasingly evident that animals suffer pain and fear while performing unnatural "tricks" during these performances. This is well documented by news sources across the spectrum: from national general interest media to animal welfare organization literature. I will never support a circus that forces animals - wild or domestic - to perform. And I will use all forms of advocacy available to me to stop them. Please reconsider the use of animals in your shows. Respectfully, Rob Halpin Boston, MA
And the following day I received the below (rather curt) response from Joel Dein, who works for Big Apple. I suppose it's probably standard operating procedure for the circus to route animal advocates toward its own PR page that overviews its animal care policy and procedures. I can appreciate that -- given that I work in PR -- but it kind of smacks of the 1950s strategy employed by tobacco companies to steer concerned smokers toward industry literature proclaiming the health benefits associated with smoking. Needless to say, I ain't buyin' it.